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Business Applications

  • E-commerce : Group similar customers based on there purchasing behaviour, money spending patterns, products used, geogrophical location etc.
  • Image Segmentation : Grouping/ Clustering similar pixels
  • Manual labeling by clustering large data to smaller number of clusters and labeling just the clusters

Dunn Index

  • Small Intra Clustering Distance and Large Inter Clustering Distance
  • For \({C_k}\) clusters with \(d(i,j)\) as Inter-cluster distance between \(C_i\) & \(C_j\) , \(d'(i)\) as Intra-cluster distance of cluser \(C_i\), Larger Dunn Index means better clustering
\[Dunn \ Index = \frac{min_{1\le i \le j \le k} \ \ d(i,j)}{max_{1 \le i \le k} \ d'(i)}\]

Density Based Clustering

  • Cluster points give rise to dense regions
  • Noise points give rise to sparse regions

Density based spatial clustering of noise (DBSCAN)

  • Density at point p is the number of points within a hypersphere of radius Eps around p
  • Dense region is a hypersphere of radius Eps that contains at least Min Points number of points
  • Core point : If p has >= Min Points in an Eps radius around it
  • Border Point : if p is not a core point but p belongs to the neighbourhood of q (core point) i.e dist(p,q) <= Eps and q is core
  • Noise point : if p is neither Core or Border is noise point
  • Density Edge: if p & q are core points and dist(p,q) <= Eps then edge p-q is a density edge
  • Density connected points: If there exists a path formed by Density Edges to reach from a point p to q then these are Density connected points

DBSCAN Algorithm

  1. \(\forall \ x_i \ \epsilon \ D\) label all points as core, border or noise point using range queries build on KD-Tree
  2. Remove all noise point from the data
  3. For each core point not assigned to a cluster
    1. Create a new cluster with point p
    2. Add all the points that are density connected to p into this cluster
  4. For each border point assign it to the neareast core point's cluster

Hyper parameters Tuning

  1. Min Points ~~ 2*dimensionality
  2. Choose larger value of Min Points if dataset has noisy points
  3. Eps \(\forall x_i\) calculate \(d_i\) i.e. distance of \(x_i\) from the Min Points th nearest neighbour
  4. Sort \(d_i\) in increasing order and pick Eps as the \(d_i\) with the elbow in the plot


  • Time Complexity : \(O(nLog(n))\)
  • Space Complexity : \(O(n)\)


K-Means gives us k sets of points from which k clusters are derived

Optimisation Task :

For \(D_i = \{x_1, x_2, ... , x_n \}\) find \(\{C_j\}_k\) and there by \(\{S_j\}_k\) Objective function :

\[argmin_{\{ C_j \}_k} \sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{x\epsilon S_i} ||x-C_i||^2\]

such that \(\forall_i \ x_i \ \epsilon \ S_j\) and \(\forall_{i,j} \ S_i \cap S_j = \phi\) where \(C_i\) is the Centroid of the ith cluster of points \(S_i\) and is given by

\[C_i = \frac{1}{|S_i|} \sum_{x_j \ \epsilon \ S_i} x_j\]

Lloyd's Algorithm

Lloyd's algorithm is used to solve the above optimisation approximately as it is very hard to optimise accurately

  1. Initialization : Randomly pick k points from \(D\) and call them \(\{C_j\}_k\) i.e. \(C_1, C_2, ..., C_k\)
  2. Assignent : For each \(x_i\) in \(D\) select the neareast \(C_j\) by calculating the \(dist(x_i, C_j) \ \ \forall \ j \epsilon [1,k]\) and add \(x_i\) to \(S_j\)
  3. Recompute/Update Centroid : recalculate centroids using : \(C_i = \frac{1}{|S_i|} \sum_{x_j \ \epsilon \ S_i} x_j\)
  4. Repeat Assignent and Update until the distance/change between old and new centroid is negligible and we can say that the algorithm has converged


  • Initialization Sensitivity : Final clusters depend on the initialisation done in the first step
  • Repeat K means with different initializations and pick the best clustering based on smaller intra-cluster and larger intra cluster distance
  • Smart Initialization : k-mean ++
    • Pick the first centroid \(C_1\) randomly from \(D\)
    • Create a distribution \(\forall \ x_i \ \epsilon \ D\) given by \(d_i = dist(x_i, nearest \ \ Centroid)^2\)
    • Pick a point from \(D-C_1\) with probability proportional to \(d_i\) and annotate it as \(C_2\)


  • Small number of outliers can affect the result of K-mean and K-means++ hugely
  • k-means has problens when clusters are of different sizes because k means tries to create clusters of similar sizes
  • k-means has problens when clusters are of different densities because k means tries to create clusters of similar densities
  • k-means has problens with Non-globular (Non-Convex) clusters
  • Good hack to solve these limitations is to increase k and then combining similar clusters


Instead of giving a mean value as centroid which may or maynot be in the dataset, we can give a already interpretable data point as the centroid.

Partitioning around medoids (PAM)

  1. Initialization : Same as K-means++
  2. Assignment : Closest Medoid (Same as K-means)
  3. Recompute / Update: Swap each medoid with a non medoid point and if the loss decreases keep the swap else undo the swap. If Swap is success than do the assignment again
    • \(Loss = \sum_{j=1}^k \sum_{x_i \epsilon S_j} ||x_i - m_j||^2\)
    • The distance metric can be replaced with a kernel, which is again a benefit over K-means

Determing the right K

  • Elbow-Method /Knee-Method : Calculate Loss for different values of k and choose the k after which decrease in loss is insignificant (basically the elbow point)
\[Loss = \sum_{i=1}^k \sum_{x\epsilon S_i} ||x-C_i||^2\]

Time Complexity

Training Time complexity : \(O(nkdi)\)

  • n = number of points
  • k = No of clusters
  • d = dimensions of data
  • i = no of iteration
  • Typically k and i are small so ~~ \(O(nd)\)

Hierarchical Clustering

Agglomerative & Divisive Clustering

  • Agglomerative clustering assumes all points are individual clusters and starts grouping these clusterns in each iteration based on some notion of similarity or distances
  • Divisive Clustering is just the reverse process and it starts with one big cluster and divides into smaller clusters
  • Computaion Steps
    • Compute the proximity matrix
    • Let each data point be a cluster
    • Repeat
      • Merge the two closest clusters
      • Update the proximity matrix
    • Until only a single cluster remains

Inter Cluster Similarity or proximity

  1. Single Link Agglomeration (Min Method)
\[Sim(C_1,C_2) = min \ Sim(p_i,p_j) \ \ \forall \ p_i \epsilon C_1 ;\ p_j \epsilon C_2\]
  1. Min breaks when data has outliers
  2. Complete Link Agglomeration (Max Method)
\[Sim(C_1,C_2) = max \ Sim(p_i,p_j) \ \ \forall \ p_i \epsilon C_1 ;\ p_j \epsilon C_2\]
  1. Max breaks when data has large clusters or differnt size clusters or non circular clusters
  2. Group Avg Method (Compromise between min and max)
\[Sim(C_1,C_2) = \frac{\sum_{p_i \epsilon C_1, p_j \epsilon C_2} \ Sim(p_i,p_j)}{|C_1| * |C_2|}\]
  1. All Min, Max and Avg methods can be kernelised
  2. Centroid Method
\[Sim(C_1,C_2) = Distance / Similarty \ between \ centroids\]
  1. Wards method is same as Group Avg with similarity as distance squared
