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Linear Neural Networks

Regression refers to a set of methods for modeling the relationship between one or more independent variables and a dependent variable.

Assumptions in Linear Regression

we assume that the relationship between the independent variables x and the dependent variable y is linear, i.e., that y can be expressed as a weighted sum of the elements in x, given some noise on the observations. Second, we assume that any noise is well-behaved (following a Gaussian distribution).

Governing Equations

\[\hat{y} = w_{1}x_{1} + ... + w_{d}x_{d} + b$$ $$\hat{y} = \mathbf{w^Tx} + b\]

If the Design matrix \(\mathbf{X}\) contains one row for every example and one column for every feature then

\[\mathbf{\hat{y}} = \mathbf{Xw} + b\]

Given features of a training dataset \(\mathbf{X}\) and corresponding (known) labels \(\mathbf{y}\), the goal of linear regression is to find the weight vector \(\mathbf{w}\) and the bias term \(\mathbf{b}\) that given features of a new data example sampled from the same distribution as \(\mathbf{X}\), the new example's label will (in expectation) be predicted with the lowest error.

Loss Function

Before we start thinking about how to fit data with our model, we need to determine a measure of fitness. The loss function quantifies the distance between the real and predicted value of the target. The loss will usually be a non-negative number where smaller values are better and perfect predictions incur a loss of 0. The most popular loss function in regression problems is the squared error. When our prediction for an example i is \(\hat{y}^{(i)}\) and the corresponding true label is \(y^{(i)}\), the squared error is given by :


To measure the quality of a model on the entire dataset of n examples, we simply average (or equivalently, sum) the losses on the training set.

\[L(\mathbf{w},b) = (1/n)* \sum_{i=1}^{n} 0.5(\mathbf{w^{T}x}^{i}+b-y^{i})^{2}\]

When training the model, we want to find parameters \((\mathbf{w}^{*}; b^{*})\) that minimize the total loss across all training examples:

\[\mathbf{w}^{*}; b^{*} = argmin$ $L(\mathbf{w}; b)\]

Analytic Solution

linear regression can be solved analytically by applying a simple formula.


Logistic Regression is Gaussian Naive Bayes