Quora Question Pairs¶
Business Understanding¶
Quora is a place to gain and share knowledge—about anything. It’s a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers. This empowers people to learn from each other and to better understand the world.
Over 100 million people visit Quora every month, so it's no surprise that many people ask similarly worded questions. Multiple questions with the same intent can cause seekers to spend more time finding the best answer to their question, and make writers feel they need to answer multiple versions of the same question. Quora values canonical questions because they provide a better experience to active seekers and writers, and offer more value to both of these groups in the long term.
Data Credit: Kaggle - Quora
Business Objectives and Constraints¶
- Identify which questions asked on Quora are duplicates of questions that have already been asked.
- This should be useful to provide answers to questions that have already been answered.
- Output a probability of a pair of questions to be duplicates, so that any threshold can be chosen.
- The cost of a mis-classification is very high.
- Interpretability is partially important.
- No strict latency concerns.
Machine Learinng Problem Statement¶
Type of Machine Leaning Problem : It is a binary classification problem, for a given pair of questions we need to predict if they are duplicate or not.
Performance Metric :
## Importing libraries
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import spacy
import sys
import os
import re
import gc
import distance
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.tools as tls
from os import path
from PIL import Image
from dataprep.eda import create_report
from subprocess import check_output
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from tqdm import tqdm
from thefuzz import fuzz
# Import the Required lib packages for WORD-Cloud generation
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45625434/how-to-install-wordcloud-in-python3-6
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
# exctract word2vec vectors
# https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/1721
# http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools
import sqlite3
from sqlalchemy import create_engine # database connection
import csv
import os
import datetime as dt
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, log_loss
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from collections import Counter
from scipy.sparse import hstack
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
import math
from sklearn.metrics import normalized_mutual_info_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from mlxtend.classifier import StackingClassifier
from sklearn import model_selection
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve, auc, roc_curve
%matplotlib inline
## Defining constants
title = "Quora Question Pairs"
raw_data_file_path = f"data/{title}/01_raw/train.csv"
raw_data_dataprep_report_path = f"data/{title}/08_reporting/raw_data_dataprep.html"
nlp_features_train = f"data/{title}/04_feature/nlp_features_train.csv"
fe_without_preprocessing_train_path = f"data/{title}/04_feature/df_fe_without_preprocessing_train.csv"
Data Overview¶
qids = pd.Series(df['qid1'].tolist() + df['qid2'].tolist())
unique_qs = len(np.unique(qids))
qs_morethan_onetime = np.sum(qids.value_counts() > 1)
print ('Total number of Unique Questions are: {}\n'.format(unique_qs))
print ('Number of unique questions that appear more than one time: {} ({}%)\n'.format(qs_morethan_onetime,round(qs_morethan_onetime/unique_qs*100,2)))
print ('Max number of times a single question is repeated: {}\n'.format(max(qids.value_counts())))
to_plot = pd.Series([unique_qs , qs_morethan_onetime], index= ["unique_questions" , "Repeated Questions"])
_ = to_plot.plot(kind='bar', title="Plot representing unique and repeated questions", figsize=(16,8), rot = 0)
Checking for Duplicates¶
Number of occurrences of each question¶
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
plt.hist(qids.value_counts(), bins=160)
plt.title('Log-Histogram of question appearance counts')
plt.xlabel('Number of occurences of question')
plt.ylabel('Number of questions')
print ('Maximum number of times a single question is repeated: {}\n'.format(max(qids.value_counts())))
Checking for NULL values¶
Feature Engineering¶
Let us now construct a few features like:
- freq_qid1 = Frequency of qid1's
- freq_qid2 = Frequency of qid2's
- q1len = Length of q1
- q2len = Length of q2
- q1_n_words = Number of words in Question 1
- q2_n_words = Number of words in Question 2
- word_Common = (Number of common unique words in Question 1 and Question 2)
- word_Total =(Total num of words in Question 1 + Total num of words in Question 2)
- word_share = (word_common)/(word_Total)
- freq_q1+freq_q2 = sum total of frequency of qid1 and qid2
- freq_q1-freq_q2 = absolute difference of frequency of qid1 and qid2
if os.path.isfile(fe_without_preprocessing_train_path):
df = pd.read_csv(fe_without_preprocessing_train_path, encoding='latin-1')
df['freq_qid1'] = df.groupby('qid1')['qid1'].transform('count')
df['freq_qid2'] = df.groupby('qid2')['qid2'].transform('count')
df['q1len'] = df['question1'].str.len()
df['q2len'] = df['question2'].str.len()
df['q1_n_words'] = df['question1'].apply(lambda row: len(row.split(" ")))
df['q2_n_words'] = df['question2'].apply(lambda row: len(row.split(" ")))
def normalized_word_Common(row):
w1 = set(map(lambda word: word.lower().strip(), row['question1'].split(" ")))
w2 = set(map(lambda word: word.lower().strip(), row['question2'].split(" ")))
return 1.0 * len(w1 & w2)
df['word_Common'] = df.apply(normalized_word_Common, axis=1)
def normalized_word_Total(row):
w1 = set(map(lambda word: word.lower().strip(), row['question1'].split(" ")))
w2 = set(map(lambda word: word.lower().strip(), row['question2'].split(" ")))
return 1.0 * (len(w1) + len(w2))
df['word_Total'] = df.apply(normalized_word_Total, axis=1)
def normalized_word_share(row):
w1 = set(map(lambda word: word.lower().strip(), row['question1'].split(" ")))
w2 = set(map(lambda word: word.lower().strip(), row['question2'].split(" ")))
return 1.0 * len(w1 & w2)/(len(w1) + len(w2))
df['word_share'] = df.apply(normalized_word_share, axis=1)
df['freq_q1+q2'] = df['freq_qid1']+df['freq_qid2']
df['freq_q1-q2'] = abs(df['freq_qid1']-df['freq_qid2'])
df.to_csv(fe_without_preprocessing_train_path, index=False)
print ("Minimum length of the questions in question1 : " , min(df['q1_n_words']))
print ("Minimum length of the questions in question2 : " , min(df['q2_n_words']))
print ("Number of Questions with minimum length [question1] :", df[df['q1_n_words']== 1].shape[0])
print ("Number of Questions with minimum length [question2] :", df[df['q2_n_words']== 1].shape[0])
sns.violinplot(x = 'is_duplicate', y = 'word_share', data = df[0:])
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 1.0]['word_share'][0:] , label = "1", color = 'red')
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 0.0]['word_share'][0:] , label = "0" , color = 'blue' )
- The distributions for normalized word_share have some overlap on the far right-hand side, i.e., there are quite a lot of questions with high word similarity
- The average word share and Common no. of words of qid1 and qid2 is more when they are duplicate(Similar)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.violinplot(x = 'is_duplicate', y = 'word_Common', data = df[0:])
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 1.0]['word_Common'][0:] , label = "1", color = 'red')
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 0.0]['word_Common'][0:] , label = "0" , color = 'blue' )
The distributions of the word_Common feature in similar and non-similar questions are highly overlapping
Text Preprocessing¶
- Preprocessing:
- Removing html tags
- Removing Punctuations
- Performing stemming
- Removing Stopwords
- Expanding contractions etc.
# To get the results in 4 decemal points
SAFE_DIV = 0.0001
STOP_WORDS = stopwords.words("english")
def preprocess(x):
x = str(x).lower()
x = x.replace(",000,000", "m").replace(",000", "k").replace("′", "'").replace("’", "'")\
.replace("won't", "will not").replace("cannot", "can not").replace("can't", "can not")\
.replace("n't", " not").replace("what's", "what is").replace("it's", "it is")\
.replace("'ve", " have").replace("i'm", "i am").replace("'re", " are")\
.replace("he's", "he is").replace("she's", "she is").replace("'s", " own")\
.replace("%", " percent ").replace("₹", " rupee ").replace("$", " dollar ")\
.replace("€", " euro ").replace("'ll", " will")
x = re.sub(r"([0-9]+)000000", r"\1m", x)
x = re.sub(r"([0-9]+)000", r"\1k", x)
porter = PorterStemmer()
pattern = re.compile('\W')
if type(x) == type(''):
x = re.sub(pattern, ' ', x)
if type(x) == type(''):
x = porter.stem(x)
example1 = BeautifulSoup(x)
x = example1.get_text()
return x
Fuzzy Features¶
Definition: - Token: You get a token by splitting sentence a space - Stop_Word : stop words as per NLTK. - Word : A token that is not a stop_word
Features: - cwc_min : Ratio of common_word_count to min lenghth of word count of Q1 and Q2 cwc_min = common_word_count / (min(len(q1_words), len(q2_words))
cwc_max : Ratio of common_word_count to max lenghth of word count of Q1 and Q2 cwc_max = common_word_count / (max(len(q1_words), len(q2_words))
csc_min : Ratio of common_stop_count to min lenghth of stop count of Q1 and Q2 csc_min = common_stop_count / (min(len(q1_stops), len(q2_stops))
csc_max : Ratio of common_stop_count to max lenghth of stop count of Q1 and Q2csc_max = common_stop_count / (max(len(q1_stops), len(q2_stops))
ctc_min : Ratio of common_token_count to min lenghth of token count of Q1 and Q2ctc_min = common_token_count / (min(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens))
ctc_max : Ratio of common_token_count to max lenghth of token count of Q1 and Q2ctc_max = common_token_count / (max(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens))
last_word_eq : Check if Last word of both questions is equal or notlast_word_eq = int(q1_tokens[-1] == q2_tokens[-1])
first_word_eq : Check if First word of both questions is equal or notfirst_word_eq = int(q1_tokens[0] == q2_tokens[0])
abs_len_diff : Abs. length differenceabs_len_diff = abs(len(q1_tokens) - len(q2_tokens))
mean_len : Average Token Length of both Questionsmean_len = (len(q1_tokens) + len(q2_tokens))/2
fuzz_ratio : https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy#usage http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/
fuzz_partial_ratio : https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy#usage http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/
token_sort_ratio : https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy#usage http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/
token_set_ratio : https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy#usage http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/
longest_substr_ratio : Ratio of length longest common substring to min lenghth of token count of Q1 and Q2longest_substr_ratio = len(longest common substring) / (min(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens))
def get_token_features(q1, q2):
token_features = [0.0]*10
# Converting the Sentence into Tokens:
q1_tokens = q1.split()
q2_tokens = q2.split()
if len(q1_tokens) == 0 or len(q2_tokens) == 0:
return token_features
# Get the non-stopwords in Questions
q1_words = set([word for word in q1_tokens if word not in STOP_WORDS])
q2_words = set([word for word in q2_tokens if word not in STOP_WORDS])
#Get the stopwords in Questions
q1_stops = set([word for word in q1_tokens if word in STOP_WORDS])
q2_stops = set([word for word in q2_tokens if word in STOP_WORDS])
# Get the common non-stopwords from Question pair
common_word_count = len(q1_words.intersection(q2_words))
# Get the common stopwords from Question pair
common_stop_count = len(q1_stops.intersection(q2_stops))
# Get the common Tokens from Question pair
common_token_count = len(set(q1_tokens).intersection(set(q2_tokens)))
token_features[0] = common_word_count / (min(len(q1_words), len(q2_words)) + SAFE_DIV)
token_features[1] = common_word_count / (max(len(q1_words), len(q2_words)) + SAFE_DIV)
token_features[2] = common_stop_count / (min(len(q1_stops), len(q2_stops)) + SAFE_DIV)
token_features[3] = common_stop_count / (max(len(q1_stops), len(q2_stops)) + SAFE_DIV)
token_features[4] = common_token_count / (min(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens)) + SAFE_DIV)
token_features[5] = common_token_count / (max(len(q1_tokens), len(q2_tokens)) + SAFE_DIV)
# Last word of both question is same or not
token_features[6] = int(q1_tokens[-1] == q2_tokens[-1])
# First word of both question is same or not
token_features[7] = int(q1_tokens[0] == q2_tokens[0])
token_features[8] = abs(len(q1_tokens) - len(q2_tokens))
#Average Token Length of both Questions
token_features[9] = (len(q1_tokens) + len(q2_tokens))/2
return token_features
# get the Longest Common sub string
def get_longest_substr_ratio(a, b):
strs = list(distance.lcsubstrings(a, b))
if len(strs) == 0:
return 0
return len(strs[0]) / (min(len(a), len(b)) + 1)
def extract_features(df):
# preprocessing each question
df["question1"] = df["question1"].fillna("").apply(preprocess)
df["question2"] = df["question2"].fillna("").apply(preprocess)
print("token features...")
# Merging Features with dataset
token_features = df.apply(lambda x: get_token_features(x["question1"], x["question2"]), axis=1)
df["cwc_min"] = list(map(lambda x: x[0], token_features))
df["cwc_max"] = list(map(lambda x: x[1], token_features))
df["csc_min"] = list(map(lambda x: x[2], token_features))
df["csc_max"] = list(map(lambda x: x[3], token_features))
df["ctc_min"] = list(map(lambda x: x[4], token_features))
df["ctc_max"] = list(map(lambda x: x[5], token_features))
df["last_word_eq"] = list(map(lambda x: x[6], token_features))
df["first_word_eq"] = list(map(lambda x: x[7], token_features))
df["abs_len_diff"] = list(map(lambda x: x[8], token_features))
df["mean_len"] = list(map(lambda x: x[9], token_features))
#Computing Fuzzy Features and Merging with Dataset
# do read this blog: http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31806695/when-to-use-which-fuzz-function-to-compare-2-strings
# https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy
print("fuzzy features..")
df["token_set_ratio"] = df.apply(lambda x: fuzz.token_set_ratio(x["question1"], x["question2"]), axis=1)
# The token sort approach involves tokenizing the string in question, sorting the tokens alphabetically, and
# then joining them back into a string We then compare the transformed strings with a simple ratio().
df["token_sort_ratio"] = df.apply(lambda x: fuzz.token_sort_ratio(x["question1"], x["question2"]), axis=1)
df["fuzz_ratio"] = df.apply(lambda x: fuzz.QRatio(x["question1"], x["question2"]), axis=1)
df["fuzz_partial_ratio"] = df.apply(lambda x: fuzz.partial_ratio(x["question1"], x["question2"]), axis=1)
df["longest_substr_ratio"] = df.apply(lambda x: get_longest_substr_ratio(x["question1"], x["question2"]), axis=1)
return df
Word clouds¶
- Creating Word Cloud of Duplicates and Non-Duplicates Question pairs
- We can observe the most frequent occuring words
df_duplicate = df[df['is_duplicate'] == 1]
dfp_nonduplicate = df[df['is_duplicate'] == 0]
# Converting 2d array of q1 and q2 and flatten the array: like {{1,2},{3,4}} to {1,2,3,4}
p = np.dstack([df_duplicate["question1"], df_duplicate["question2"]]).flatten()
n = np.dstack([dfp_nonduplicate["question1"], dfp_nonduplicate["question2"]]).flatten()
print ("Number of data points in class 1 (duplicate pairs) :",len(p))
print ("Number of data points in class 0 (non duplicate pairs) :",len(n))
positive_text_file_path = 'data/Quora Question Pairs/04_feature/train_p.txt'
negative_text_file_path = 'data/Quora Question Pairs/04_feature/train_n.txt'
#Saving the np array into a text file
np.savetxt(positive_text_file_path, p, delimiter=' ', fmt='%s')
np.savetxt(negative_text_file_path, n, delimiter=' ', fmt='%s')
# reading the text files and removing the Stop Words:
d = path.dirname('.')
textp_w = open(path.join(d, positive_text_file_path)).read()
textn_w = open(path.join(d, negative_text_file_path)).read()
stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
stopwords.add(" ")
print ("Total number of words in duplicate pair questions :",len(textp_w))
print ("Total number of words in non duplicate pair questions :",len(textn_w))
Word Clouds generated from duplicate pair question's text
Word Clouds generated from non duplicate pair question's text
Pair plots¶
# Distribution of the token_sort_ratio
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.violinplot(x = 'is_duplicate', y = 'token_sort_ratio', data = df[0:] , )
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 1.0]['token_sort_ratio'][0:] , label = "1", color = 'red')
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 0.0]['token_sort_ratio'][0:] , label = "0" , color = 'blue' )
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.violinplot(x = 'is_duplicate', y = 'fuzz_ratio', data = df[0:] , )
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 1.0]['fuzz_ratio'][0:] , label = "1", color = 'red')
sns.distplot(df[df['is_duplicate'] == 0.0]['fuzz_ratio'][0:] , label = "0" , color = 'blue' )
# Using TSNE for Dimentionality reduction for 15 Features(Generated after cleaning the data) to 3 dimention
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
dfp_subsampled = df[0:5000]
X = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(dfp_subsampled[['cwc_min', 'cwc_max', 'csc_min', 'csc_max' , 'ctc_min' , 'ctc_max' , 'last_word_eq', 'first_word_eq' , 'abs_len_diff' , 'mean_len' , 'token_set_ratio' , 'token_sort_ratio' , 'fuzz_ratio' , 'fuzz_partial_ratio' , 'longest_substr_ratio']])
y = dfp_subsampled['is_duplicate'].values
trace1 = go.Scatter3d(
color = y,
colorscale = 'Portland',
colorbar = dict(title = 'duplicate'),
line=dict(color='rgb(255, 255, 255)'),
layout=dict(height=800, width=800, title='3d embedding with engineered features')
fig=dict(data=data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='3DBubble')
tfidf weighted word-vectors¶
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
# merge texts
questions = list(df['question1']) + list(df['question2'])
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(lowercase=False, )
# dict key:word and value:tf-idf score
word2tfidf = dict(zip(tfidf.get_feature_names_out(), tfidf.idf_))
- After we find TF-IDF scores, we convert each question to a weighted average of word2vec vectors by these scores.
- here we use a pre-trained GLOVE model which comes free with "Spacy". https://spacy.io/usage/vectors-similarity
- It is trained on Wikipedia and therefore, it is stronger in terms of word semantics.
# en_vectors_web_lg, which includes over 1 million unique vectors.
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
# vecs1 = []
# # https://github.com/noamraph/tqdm
# # tqdm is used to print the progrss bar
# for qu1 in tqdm(list(df['question1'])):
# doc1 = nlp(qu1)
# # 384 is the number of dimensions of vectors
# mean_vec1 = np.zeros([len(doc1), len(doc1[0].vector)])
# for word1 in doc1:
# # word2vec
# vec1 = word1.vector
# # fetch df score
# try:
# idf = word2tfidf[str(word1)]
# except:
# idf = 0
# # compute final vec
# mean_vec1 += vec1 * idf
# mean_vec1 = mean_vec1.mean(axis=0)
# vecs1.append(mean_vec1)
# df['q1_feats_m'] = list(vecs1)
vecs2 = []
for qu2 in tqdm(list(df['question2'])):
doc2 = nlp(qu2)
mean_vec1 = np.zeros([len(doc1), len(doc2[0].vector)])
for word2 in doc2:
# word2vec
vec2 = word2.vector
# fetch df score
idf = word2tfidf[str(word2)]
#print word
idf = 0
# compute final vec
mean_vec2 += vec2 * idf
mean_vec2 = mean_vec2.mean(axis=0)
df['q2_feats_m'] = list(vecs2)
#prepro_features_train.csv (Simple Preprocessing Feartures)
#nlp_features_train.csv (NLP Features)
if os.path.isfile('nlp_features_train.csv'):
dfnlp = pd.read_csv("nlp_features_train.csv",encoding='latin-1')
print("download nlp_features_train.csv from drive or run previous notebook")
if os.path.isfile('df_fe_without_preprocessing_train.csv'):
dfppro = pd.read_csv("df_fe_without_preprocessing_train.csv",encoding='latin-1')
print("download df_fe_without_preprocessing_train.csv from drive or run previous notebook")
df1 = dfnlp.drop(['qid1','qid2','question1','question2'],axis=1)
df2 = dfppro.drop(['qid1','qid2','question1','question2','is_duplicate'],axis=1)
df3 = df.drop(['qid1','qid2','question1','question2','is_duplicate'],axis=1)
df3_q1 = pd.DataFrame(df3.q1_feats_m.values.tolist(), index= df3.index)
df3_q2 = pd.DataFrame(df3.q2_feats_m.values.tolist(), index= df3.index)
print("Number of features in nlp dataframe :", df1.shape[1])
print("Number of features in preprocessed dataframe :", df2.shape[1])
print("Number of features in question1 w2v dataframe :", df3_q1.shape[1])
print("Number of features in question2 w2v dataframe :", df3_q2.shape[1])
print("Number of features in final dataframe :", df1.shape[1]+df2.shape[1]+df3_q1.shape[1]+df3_q2.shape[1])
Machine Learning Models¶
Reading data from file and storing into sql table¶
#Creating db file from csv
if not os.path.isfile('train.db'):
disk_engine = create_engine('sqlite:///train.db')
start = dt.datetime.now()
chunksize = 180000
j = 0
index_start = 1
for df in pd.read_csv('final_features.csv', names=['Unnamed: 0','id','is_duplicate','cwc_min','cwc_max','csc_min','csc_max','ctc_min','ctc_max','last_word_eq','first_word_eq','abs_len_diff','mean_len','token_set_ratio','token_sort_ratio','fuzz_ratio','fuzz_partial_ratio','longest_substr_ratio','freq_qid1','freq_qid2','q1len','q2len','q1_n_words','q2_n_words','word_Common','word_Total','word_share','freq_q1+q2','freq_q1-q2','0_x','1_x','2_x','3_x','4_x','5_x','6_x','7_x','8_x','9_x','10_x','11_x','12_x','13_x','14_x','15_x','16_x','17_x','18_x','19_x','20_x','21_x','22_x','23_x','24_x','25_x','26_x','27_x','28_x','29_x','30_x','31_x','32_x','33_x','34_x','35_x','36_x','37_x','38_x','39_x','40_x','41_x','42_x','43_x','44_x','45_x','46_x','47_x','48_x','49_x','50_x','51_x','52_x','53_x','54_x','55_x','56_x','57_x','58_x','59_x','60_x','61_x','62_x','63_x','64_x','65_x','66_x','67_x','68_x','69_x','70_x','71_x','72_x','73_x','74_x','75_x','76_x','77_x','78_x','79_x','80_x','81_x','82_x','83_x','84_x','85_x','86_x','87_x','88_x','89_x','90_x','91_x','92_x','93_x','94_x','95_x','96_x','97_x','98_x','99_x','100_x','101_x','102_x','103_x','104_x','105_x','106_x','107_x','108_x','109_x','110_x','111_x','112_x','113_x','114_x','115_x','116_x','117_x','118_x','119_x','120_x','121_x','122_x','123_x','124_x','125_x','126_x','127_x','128_x','129_x','130_x','131_x','132_x','133_x','134_x','135_x','136_x','137_x','138_x','139_x','140_x','141_x','142_x','143_x','144_x','145_x','146_x','147_x','148_x','149_x','150_x','151_x','152_x','153_x','154_x','155_x','156_x','157_x','158_x','159_x','160_x','161_x','162_x','163_x','164_x','165_x','166_x','167_x','168_x','169_x','170_x','171_x','172_x','173_x','174_x','175_x','176_x','177_x','178_x','179_x','180_x','181_x','182_x','183_x','184_x','185_x','186_x','187_x','188_x','189_x','190_x','191_x','192_x','193_x','194_x','195_x','196_x','197_x','198_x','199_x','200_x','201_x','202_x','203_x','204_x','205_x','206_x','207_x','208_x','209_x','210_x','211_x','212_x','213_x','214_x','215_x','216_x','217_x','218_x','219_x','220_x','221_x','222_x','223_x','224_x','225_x','226_x','227_x','228_x','229_x','230_x','231_x','232_x','233_x','234_x','235_x','236_x','237_x','238_x','239_x','240_x','241_x','242_x','243_x','244_x','245_x','246_x','247_x','248_x','249_x','250_x','251_x','252_x','253_x','254_x','255_x','256_x','257_x','258_x','259_x','260_x','261_x','262_x','263_x','264_x','265_x','266_x','267_x','268_x','269_x','270_x','271_x','272_x','273_x','274_x','275_x','276_x','277_x','278_x','279_x','280_x','281_x','282_x','283_x','284_x','285_x','286_x','287_x','288_x','289_x','290_x','291_x','292_x','293_x','294_x','295_x','296_x','297_x','298_x','299_x','300_x','301_x','302_x','303_x','304_x','305_x','306_x','307_x','308_x','309_x','310_x','311_x','312_x','313_x','314_x','315_x','316_x','317_x','318_x','319_x','320_x','321_x','322_x','323_x','324_x','325_x','326_x','327_x','328_x','329_x','330_x','331_x','332_x','333_x','334_x','335_x','336_x','337_x','338_x','339_x','340_x','341_x','342_x','343_x','344_x','345_x','346_x','347_x','348_x','349_x','350_x','351_x','352_x','353_x','354_x','355_x','356_x','357_x','358_x','359_x','360_x','361_x','362_x','363_x','364_x','365_x','366_x','367_x','368_x','369_x','370_x','371_x','372_x','373_x','374_x','375_x','376_x','377_x','378_x','379_x','380_x','381_x','382_x','383_x','0_y','1_y','2_y','3_y','4_y','5_y','6_y','7_y','8_y','9_y','10_y','11_y','12_y','13_y','14_y','15_y','16_y','17_y','18_y','19_y','20_y','21_y','22_y','23_y','24_y','25_y','26_y','27_y','28_y','29_y','30_y','31_y','32_y','33_y','34_y','35_y','36_y','37_y','38_y','39_y','40_y','41_y','42_y','43_y','44_y','45_y','46_y','47_y','48_y','49_y','50_y','51_y','52_y','53_y','54_y','55_y','56_y','57_y','58_y','59_y','60_y','61_y','62_y','63_y','64_y','65_y','66_y','67_y','68_y','69_y','70_y','71_y','72_y','73_y','74_y','75_y','76_y','77_y','78_y','79_y','80_y','81_y','82_y','83_y','84_y','85_y','86_y','87_y','88_y','89_y','90_y','91_y','92_y','93_y','94_y','95_y','96_y','97_y','98_y','99_y','100_y','101_y','102_y','103_y','104_y','105_y','106_y','107_y','108_y','109_y','110_y','111_y','112_y','113_y','114_y','115_y','116_y','117_y','118_y','119_y','120_y','121_y','122_y','123_y','124_y','125_y','126_y','127_y','128_y','129_y','130_y','131_y','132_y','133_y','134_y','135_y','136_y','137_y','138_y','139_y','140_y','141_y','142_y','143_y','144_y','145_y','146_y','147_y','148_y','149_y','150_y','151_y','152_y','153_y','154_y','155_y','156_y','157_y','158_y','159_y','160_y','161_y','162_y','163_y','164_y','165_y','166_y','167_y','168_y','169_y','170_y','171_y','172_y','173_y','174_y','175_y','176_y','177_y','178_y','179_y','180_y','181_y','182_y','183_y','184_y','185_y','186_y','187_y','188_y','189_y','190_y','191_y','192_y','193_y','194_y','195_y','196_y','197_y','198_y','199_y','200_y','201_y','202_y','203_y','204_y','205_y','206_y','207_y','208_y','209_y','210_y','211_y','212_y','213_y','214_y','215_y','216_y','217_y','218_y','219_y','220_y','221_y','222_y','223_y','224_y','225_y','226_y','227_y','228_y','229_y','230_y','231_y','232_y','233_y','234_y','235_y','236_y','237_y','238_y','239_y','240_y','241_y','242_y','243_y','244_y','245_y','246_y','247_y','248_y','249_y','250_y','251_y','252_y','253_y','254_y','255_y','256_y','257_y','258_y','259_y','260_y','261_y','262_y','263_y','264_y','265_y','266_y','267_y','268_y','269_y','270_y','271_y','272_y','273_y','274_y','275_y','276_y','277_y','278_y','279_y','280_y','281_y','282_y','283_y','284_y','285_y','286_y','287_y','288_y','289_y','290_y','291_y','292_y','293_y','294_y','295_y','296_y','297_y','298_y','299_y','300_y','301_y','302_y','303_y','304_y','305_y','306_y','307_y','308_y','309_y','310_y','311_y','312_y','313_y','314_y','315_y','316_y','317_y','318_y','319_y','320_y','321_y','322_y','323_y','324_y','325_y','326_y','327_y','328_y','329_y','330_y','331_y','332_y','333_y','334_y','335_y','336_y','337_y','338_y','339_y','340_y','341_y','342_y','343_y','344_y','345_y','346_y','347_y','348_y','349_y','350_y','351_y','352_y','353_y','354_y','355_y','356_y','357_y','358_y','359_y','360_y','361_y','362_y','363_y','364_y','365_y','366_y','367_y','368_y','369_y','370_y','371_y','372_y','373_y','374_y','375_y','376_y','377_y','378_y','379_y','380_y','381_y','382_y','383_y'], chunksize=chunksize, iterator=True, encoding='utf-8', ):
df.index += index_start
print('{} rows'.format(j*chunksize))
df.to_sql('data', disk_engine, if_exists='append')
index_start = df.index[-1] + 1
def create_connection(db_file):
""" create a database connection to the SQLite database
specified by db_file
:param db_file: database file
:return: Connection object or None
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
return conn
except Error as e:
return None
def checkTableExists(dbcon):
cursr = dbcon.cursor()
str = "select name from sqlite_master where type='table'"
table_names = cursr.execute(str)
print("Tables in the databse:")
tables =table_names.fetchall()
# try to sample data according to the computing power you have
if os.path.isfile(read_db):
conn_r = create_connection(read_db)
if conn_r is not None:
# for selecting first 1M rows
# data = pd.read_sql_query("""SELECT * FROM data LIMIT 100001;""", conn_r)
# for selecting random points
data = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * From data ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 100001;", conn_r)
4.2 Converting strings to numerics ¶
4.3 Random train test split( 70:30) ¶
print("-"*10, "Distribution of output variable in train data", "-"*10)
train_distr = Counter(y_train)
train_len = len(y_train)
print("Class 0: ",int(train_distr[0])/train_len,"Class 1: ", int(train_distr[1])/train_len)
print("-"*10, "Distribution of output variable in train data", "-"*10)
test_distr = Counter(y_test)
test_len = len(y_test)
print("Class 0: ",int(test_distr[1])/test_len, "Class 1: ",int(test_distr[1])/test_len)
# This function plots the confusion matrices given y_i, y_i_hat.
def plot_confusion_matrix(test_y, predict_y):
C = confusion_matrix(test_y, predict_y)
# C = 9,9 matrix, each cell (i,j) represents number of points of class i are predicted class j
A =(((C.T)/(C.sum(axis=1))).T)
#divid each element of the confusion matrix with the sum of elements in that column
# C = [[1, 2],
# [3, 4]]
# C.T = [[1, 3],
# [2, 4]]
# C.sum(axis = 1) axis=0 corresonds to columns and axis=1 corresponds to rows in two diamensional array
# C.sum(axix =1) = [[3, 7]]
# ((C.T)/(C.sum(axis=1))) = [[1/3, 3/7]
# [2/3, 4/7]]
# ((C.T)/(C.sum(axis=1))).T = [[1/3, 2/3]
# [3/7, 4/7]]
# sum of row elements = 1
B =(C/C.sum(axis=0))
#divid each element of the confusion matrix with the sum of elements in that row
# C = [[1, 2],
# [3, 4]]
# C.sum(axis = 0) axis=0 corresonds to columns and axis=1 corresponds to rows in two diamensional array
# C.sum(axix =0) = [[4, 6]]
# (C/C.sum(axis=0)) = [[1/4, 2/6],
# [3/4, 4/6]]
labels = [1,2]
# representing A in heatmap format
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
sns.heatmap(C, annot=True, cmap=cmap, fmt=".3f", xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels)
plt.xlabel('Predicted Class')
plt.ylabel('Original Class')
plt.title("Confusion matrix")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
sns.heatmap(B, annot=True, cmap=cmap, fmt=".3f", xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels)
plt.xlabel('Predicted Class')
plt.ylabel('Original Class')
plt.title("Precision matrix")
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
# representing B in heatmap format
sns.heatmap(A, annot=True, cmap=cmap, fmt=".3f", xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels)
plt.xlabel('Predicted Class')
plt.ylabel('Original Class')
plt.title("Recall matrix")
4.4 Building a random model (Finding worst-case log-loss) ¶
# we need to generate 9 numbers and the sum of numbers should be 1
# one solution is to genarate 9 numbers and divide each of the numbers by their sum
# ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18662466/4084039
# we create a output array that has exactly same size as the CV data
predicted_y = np.zeros((test_len,2))
for i in range(test_len):
rand_probs = np.random.rand(1,2)
predicted_y[i] = ((rand_probs/sum(sum(rand_probs)))[0])
print("Log loss on Test Data using Random Model",log_loss(y_test, predicted_y, eps=1e-15))
predicted_y =np.argmax(predicted_y, axis=1)
plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, predicted_y)
4.4 Logistic Regression with hyperparameter tuning ¶
alpha = [10 ** x for x in range(-5, 2)] # hyperparam for SGD classifier.
# read more about SGDClassifier() at http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier.html
# ------------------------------
# default parameters
# SGDClassifier(loss=’hinge’, penalty=’l2’, alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, max_iter=None, tol=None,
# shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=0.1, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, learning_rate=’optimal’, eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5,
# class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False, n_iter=None)
# some of methods
# fit(X, y[, coef_init, intercept_init, …]) Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent.
# predict(X) Predict class labels for samples in X.
# video link:
for i in alpha:
clf = SGDClassifier(alpha=i, penalty='l2', loss='log', random_state=42)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
sig_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method="sigmoid")
sig_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
predict_y = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_test)
log_error_array.append(log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
print('For values of alpha = ', i, "The log loss is:",log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(alpha, log_error_array,c='g')
for i, txt in enumerate(np.round(log_error_array,3)):
ax.annotate((alpha[i],np.round(txt,3)), (alpha[i],log_error_array[i]))
plt.title("Cross Validation Error for each alpha")
plt.xlabel("Alpha i's")
plt.ylabel("Error measure")
best_alpha = np.argmin(log_error_array)
clf = SGDClassifier(alpha=alpha[best_alpha], penalty='l2', loss='log', random_state=42)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
sig_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method="sigmoid")
sig_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
predict_y = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_train)
print('For values of best alpha = ', alpha[best_alpha], "The train log loss is:",log_loss(y_train, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
predict_y = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_test)
print('For values of best alpha = ', alpha[best_alpha], "The test log loss is:",log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
predicted_y =np.argmax(predict_y,axis=1)
print("Total number of data points :", len(predicted_y))
plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, predicted_y)
4.5 Linear SVM with hyperparameter tuning ¶
alpha = [10 ** x for x in range(-5, 2)] # hyperparam for SGD classifier.
# read more about SGDClassifier() at http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier.html
# ------------------------------
# default parameters
# SGDClassifier(loss=’hinge’, penalty=’l2’, alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, max_iter=None, tol=None,
# shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=0.1, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, learning_rate=’optimal’, eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5,
# class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False, n_iter=None)
# some of methods
# fit(X, y[, coef_init, intercept_init, …]) Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent.
# predict(X) Predict class labels for samples in X.
# video link:
for i in alpha:
clf = SGDClassifier(alpha=i, penalty='l1', loss='hinge', random_state=42)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
sig_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method="sigmoid")
sig_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
predict_y = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_test)
log_error_array.append(log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
print('For values of alpha = ', i, "The log loss is:",log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(alpha, log_error_array,c='g')
for i, txt in enumerate(np.round(log_error_array,3)):
ax.annotate((alpha[i],np.round(txt,3)), (alpha[i],log_error_array[i]))
plt.title("Cross Validation Error for each alpha")
plt.xlabel("Alpha i's")
plt.ylabel("Error measure")
best_alpha = np.argmin(log_error_array)
clf = SGDClassifier(alpha=alpha[best_alpha], penalty='l1', loss='hinge', random_state=42)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
sig_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method="sigmoid")
sig_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
predict_y = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_train)
print('For values of best alpha = ', alpha[best_alpha], "The train log loss is:",log_loss(y_train, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
predict_y = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_test)
print('For values of best alpha = ', alpha[best_alpha], "The test log loss is:",log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
predicted_y =np.argmax(predict_y,axis=1)
print("Total number of data points :", len(predicted_y))
plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, predicted_y)
4.6 XGBoost ¶
import xgboost as xgb
params = {}
params['objective'] = 'binary:logistic'
params['eval_metric'] = 'logloss'
params['eta'] = 0.02
params['max_depth'] = 4
d_train = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train)
d_test = xgb.DMatrix(X_test, label=y_test)
watchlist = [(d_train, 'train'), (d_test, 'valid')]
bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, 400, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=20, verbose_eval=10)
xgdmat = xgb.DMatrix(X_train,y_train)
predict_y = bst.predict(d_test)
print("The test log loss is:",log_loss(y_test, predict_y, labels=clf.classes_, eps=1e-15))
hyperparameter tuning¶
RandomsearchCV with vectorizer as TF-IDF W2V to reduce the log-loss.
References - Kaggle Winning Solution: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/93968nfnrzh8bp5/AACZdtsApc1QSTQc7X0H3QZ5a?dl=0 - Blog 1 : https://engineering.quora.com/Semantic-Question-Matching-with-Deep-Learning - Blog 2 : https://towardsdatascience.com/identifying-duplicate-questions-on-quora-top-12-on-kaggle-4c1cf93f1c30